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Our Mission


Wellsprings Friends School is a private, independent school designed to meet the needs of high school level students who achieve academic success more effectively through a non-traditional curriculum in a healthy school environment. Embracing the needs of students who learn differently, the school is committed to providing an academically appropriate learning environment that is stimulating, secure and enjoyable. We provide a setting in which students can evolve and maximize their full potential. The school values the many facets and faces of learners in the diversity of our programs and student population. Furthermore, students are encouraged and guided to utilize their intellect and compassion in a constructive way to help society and their fellow citizens.

Our Values and Goals

Our Values:

We believe in the power of:
Affirmation, Community, Self-regulation, Nurturing, Teaching “outside of the box”, Relationships, Non-violence, Silence, Acceptance, Walking lightly on the Earth

Our Goals:

Our goals as educators at Wellsprings is:

  • To mutually decide with prospective students if this school is a good match for them

  • To take the time to get to know each student and their individual learning needs

  • To nourish a community where each person feels accepted and appreciated, physically and emotionally safe

  • To use dialoguing and problem solving to deal with any issues that arise in the community

  • To help our students develop an internal sense of responsibility


The basis of academic life and community life at Wellsprings is articulated in our booklet of Understandings and Agreements. Every prospective student is given a hard copy when they apply. During the admissions interview, the Understandings and Agreements are discussed in detail with the student and parent/guardian. Below you can read what we call our five “Basic Agreements”.

Agreement 1:

I want to be here and want to participate in the Wellsprings community.

I understand that Wellsprings Friends School is a learning community with few but very meaningful traditions and expectations. School traditions include such things as Morning Circle, Community Meetings, Silent Meetings, and Friday Activities, which are part of required credit for graduation. Expectations include performing chores, respecting all persons, and respecting the property of others. I agree to try to live up to the basic ideals of the school and to take part in community activities with a willing attitude.

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